ECC: Supporting Laos’ elephant camps
Anabel Lopez Perez, ECC’s biologist in charge of our breeding programme and of the management of our male elephants, and Kan Thissamone, vet assistant and elephant welfare manager, both went to the Mekong Elephant Park (EMP) in Pakbeng for a few days.
The purpose of their visit was to check the health of EMP’s elephants. Anabel has introduced EMP staff with her research on captive breeding. She helped Wendy, EMP’s elephant’s manager to undertake blood samples’ collection on the camp’s female elephants. We will analyze the samples in our laboratory at the ECC.
Kan taught the camp’s mahouts how to proceed with simple veterinary procedures. He trained them on foot care and target training.
It was a real pleasure to share our knowledge with the team at EMP. We hope to come back soon for more exchange!