There are very few safe places left for wild elephants in Asia, national protected areas and national parks may well be there only chance of survival. Sayaboury province’s Nam Pouy National Protected Area holds one of the healthiest elephant populations in the region, an area just shy of 200,000 hectares this forest is home to a range of different species including bears, leopard cats, serows, dholes and gaurs.
Because logging has been made illegal in Nam Pouy National Protected Area thanks to the Prime Minister’s Office and the Government of Sayaboury Province, mahouts are finding themselves unemployed. They turned to ECC for solutions to their problem. ECC representatives met with Sayaboury’s Governor and Vice-Governors several times over the course of the past years to address the issue. ECC was requested to propose a plan for the management of the wild elephants and their habitat in Nam Pouy NPA and propose ideas on how to involve local communities in the long-term management of the park through the development of community-based tourism. As of 2019, the ECC and the Lao government have formally partnered to tackle these problems and implement our long term management plan.