Expert Vetcare

Providing State-of-the-Art Veterinary Care

Traditional & Modern Medicine for Elephants


We have the only elephant hospital and research laboratory in Laos. We do not only treat our own elephants, but we offer care to anyone who needs it. In the past we have offered free treatment to elephants from tourist camps in Laos.

At the Center we do not have a full time veterinarian. Instead we have a Lao vet assistant who manages the care of our elephants along with the mahouts and a veterinarian who comes to visit three times a year and in the event of emergencies and to perform routine check-ups and pregnancies checks.

Elephants are very resilient animals, and when they have access to the forest, they will eat plants to self-medicate, as is done in the wild. For this reason, there is no need for a full time veterinarian on staff.

When elephants do come to us with small wounds, we are working to move away from antibiotics and typical western medicines and return to natural medicines that the elephants would have access to in the wild. This way we avoid the possibility of antibiotic resistance occurring in our population.

$276 of $10,000 raised
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Donation Total: $25.00 One Time

As we do not have a Paypal account, we have established a partnership with the French NGO “Des Eléphants et Des Hommes” who receives your donations. Then all your donations are transferred in full to the Elephant Conservation Center.